Potentially Increase Your Sales Pipeline by 2X or More without wasting your time or waiting around for prospects to respond.

I’m not sure that you're struggling now with creating effective prospecting emails that attract the right prospects to your product or service.

Maybe you’re not. Maybe you don’t really need to find a better way to increase your current sales pipeline and, if that is the case, then

you don't really have to watch this video right now.

But if you are like most sales reps I’ve known (and worked with myself), you’re probably looking for a higher success rate and higher number of

leads generated from your prospecting email campaigns because

what you are doing today could frankly be working better than it is. 

Now, you will notice I said your email prospecting could be more effective. I did not say what you're doing is wrong or bad or anything.

In fact, what you are doing is probably pretty good, right? I mean, you’re seasoned. You’re experienced. You know how to create good prospecting emails, right?

All I am saying is that you could potentially

increase the effectiveness of your prospecting emails now,

which would result in higher initial response rate,

by leveraging a little known secret that I’ve been teaching

sales reps and marketing professionals about for years. 

A secret that helped me and my sales team crush our number every quarter

because at the end of the day in sales you live and die by your pipeline.

The more pipeline you have the more often you beat your number.

Simple as that. And you can never get enough. There is always more. 

Think about this for a moment, if you could increase your pipeline by

25%, 50%, 75%, 100% or more,

that would be huge for you, right? You wouldn’t have to lay awake at night

worrying about the worst case scenarios, or having to tell your boss that you won’t

be able to call your number at the next QBR meeting.

How embarrassing is that? Nobody wants to be in that position.

On the other hand, you could enroll now in this mini-course and learn how to add hypnotic language to your existing prospecting emails now, which could help you increase their effectiveness, leading to more responses from potential prospects.

And more responses from prospects means more pipeline, which means your chances of exceeding your quota goes up and so does your confidence and, ultimately the size of your commission check!

Now, I understand if you are a bit skeptical or perhaps you don't believe in hypnosis or using hypnotic language now to compel a potential prospect to respond to your initial cold prospecting email. I mean, at first glance, it does seem a bit unbelievable, right?

Truth is, I used to be skeptical, too. And I'm already a certified hypnotist. go figure.

Even though I've helped many of my own clients

stop smoking, stop over-eating, stay focused, stop self-sabotaging with hypnosis,

I never thought about using it for sales prospecting efforts.

It was only after one of my clients suggested that I use hypnotic language for my prospecting emails that I decided to try it.

And guess what? It worked!

That was many years ago and I've been doing it ever since with great success and I've taught hundreds of other sales reps, sales engineers, and marketing experts

how to do it as well. Now I want to teach YOU!

Question is: Are you Ready to Enroll Now or not?

If you are ready, then you know what to do, right?

(hint: click the red button right there below this sentence now.)


because this mini-course normally retails for $997

...and that is a great price considering you will learn the secrets to creating more effective prospecting emails that garner better results than you might expect.

In fact, customers have told me they would pay 2X or 3X the price for this information.

Why? Because everyone knows your sales success is directly dependent on the size of your pipeline and your pipeline grows when prospects respond back to your prospecting emails. So it makes sense to focus on persuading your targeted prospects to reply back to you as much as possible, right? And the best way to persuade potential prospects to reply back to you is to insert hypnotic language into all of your prospecting emails because it's already been proven to work over and over again.

Now, you can probably search the internet yourself and perhaps you might find bits and pieces on how to use hypnotic language, but then YOU have to put those pieces together yourself and try to make it work. And assuming you have enough time to do all that, how do you know it will produce the results you are expecting?

Wouldn't it be easier to just buy this simple mini-course training which is already proven to work and learn the secrets to creating successful prospecting emails all in one training session now and take advantage of it to grow your pipeline today?

Better yet, wouldn't you like to just have some hypnotic prospecting email templates given directly to you so you can just plug in your own specific product or service details and get a jump start on building a bigger pipeline right now?

You have to admit, that makes a lot more sense, right?

That is definitely worth $997, especially if you can increase your pipeline asap and earn more commissions in a shorter period of time.

But guess what?

If you decide to take action right now and enroll in the mini-course today,

it won't cost you $997.

It won't cost you $897 or $797?

It won't even cost you $697.

If you enroll right now, you can get lifetime access

to this mini-course

for the incredibly low price

of only $497!

That is over 50% savings off the retail price!

And, not only that, this mini-course comes with a 30-day money back guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied with this course for whatever reason, I will refund your money and you can keep the hypnotic prospecting email templates as my gift to you!

I am wondering if

you are ready now to enroll

in this mini-course

or not...

If so, then click the red "I'm Ready! Enroll Me Now!" button below.


During checkout, when you see

the following link

CLICK the link and enter


to receive a 50% savings

on the cost of this most valuable course.

Still not sure?

Perhaps you are asking yourself

"How do you know if

you should enroll this course now

or not?"

Well, perhaps you might consider these simple questions:

- Are you unexpectedly struggling to find just the right prospecting email script that works?
- Are you under pressure to increase your sales pipeline now as soon as possible?
- Are you already at (or near) 100% of your number and you want to CRUSH IT with accelerators?
- Are you a confident, seasoned sales rep with a long history of success under your belt?
- Are you curious to know if there is an easier way to create a more compelling prospecting email?

If you answered YES to most (or all) of these questions, then this specific mini-course was made for YOU!


If you answer NO to any/all of these questions below, then this course is probably NOT for you.

- I already create awesome prospecting emails, so you don't really need this course right now
- My sales pipeline is overflowing with some many opportunities that you don't need to send prospecting emails
- I'm already at or above my yearly quota that you are under no pressure to build more pipeline right now
- The idea of leveraging hypnotic language to improve the effectiveness of my prospecting emails does not interest me

But please don't take my word for it.

Listen to what others are saying about

MavMind's Hypnotic Prospecting Emails

"I was blown away by the simple techniques to which this course enlightened me."

- Lonnie M., Director of Global Inside Sales and DemandGen Teams

"In the past, I've had the privilege of having Maverick help add

hypnotic language to my prospecting emails.

Now, I can finally say I understand how he

did all that magic and I can do it now myself."

- Mark V., Account Executive

"Using Maverick's techniques allowed me to more quickly and easily delve into the heart of what mattered with my customers. By quickly establishing what was important through use of hypnotic language and key phrasing techniques, I'm able to establish strong rapport in a short amount of time. This has certainly led to my increased success as a salesperson and I continue to seek out ways to

learn from Mav."

- Andrew W., Regional Sales Director


Hi, I’m maverick!

During the last twenty-five years in sales, I've been fortunate enough to discover the secrets to using hypnotic language with all of my sales communications. Early on, one thing I learned was that creating prospecting emails were always the most challenging, yet most fruitful, IF you can find an email script that works. Now , the good news is, I have been very successful with my hypnotic prospecting email scripts and I've helped hundreds of other sales reps, just like you, to create hypnotic email scripts that work for them as well. And now, with this mini-course, I am sharing all of those secrets so that you, too, can learn how to find a WINNING email script that could help you increase your pipeline by right now! Just click the "I'm Ready! Enroll Me Now" button below.

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Increase Your Pipeline Faster

What would you do if you could double your sales pipeline right now by simply updating your existing prospecting email script to be more hypnotic?

Get the Unfair Advantage

Only the top sales reps in the world know how to write powerfully hypnotic communications.

MORE Success. LESS Headaches.

Stop struggling with prospecting emails that continue to fail. Instead, increase your revenue, exceed your quota, achieve massive success. Start winning with MavMind #hypnosales today!